Posted On October 4, 2020

Spice of life– a topic related to the kitchen or pun intended! Today when I was in the kitchen preparing lunch, I was looking at the different Spices in the rack and was wondering at the similarities it had with life.
I was pondering as to how, on a daily basis , I keep interacting with spices . The aromatic ones like the cinnamon and cardamom down to the less aromatic turmeric powder and mirchi powder. Of course, the king of all spices is Salt.
But can we use the aromatic spices in our routine of daily food ? Definitely not. But turmeric & red chilli powder is a must in our cooking. And no dish is complete without salt.
As I finished my cooking I started to ponder – aren’t they so similar to our life.
These aromatic spices are like the external beauty products – be it makeup products for any gender or perfumes which we use to enhance our external self. Just like its alright to use expensive spices for special occasions and make a great dish , similarly we can enhance our external self with the beauty products to look good for special occasions.
On the other hand the essential ingredients of life are the etiquette, self discipline & righteousness which are so similar to the spices we use for daily cooking. Just like you can’t do without the most essential ingredient Salt to balance the flavors of our cuisine , our self conduct is so very necessary to balance oneself.
You must be wondering what on earth am I doing comparing these spices to our daily life. But isn’t it so similar , that our day to day life is like a masala dabba. We use different flavors to make different dishes tasty and delicious. In the same way, in life we need to have a very balanced approach so that ones life is very peaceful at the same time very exciting.
As each ones palate is different, we increase or decrease the usage of the spices accordingly. On the same note, at every stage of our life one acts differently.
To sum up our life , we live a very Spicy life – sometimes angry like the red hot chillis, beautiful and sweet like sugar, bitter like fenugreek or sour like vinegar – all taken with a pinch of salt . As exciting it may be with us savouring it like the garam masala , this concoction leads us to the Spice of life we all live.

Wow wonderful one
Thanks for the appreciation Guzaarish !
Intelligent Comparison … Spice up 🎆 Spruce up …. 🌷
As children we are worried of Chillies … But Love aroma…
As we grow up we test our abilities with Chilly … The inherent problems in life …. Towards the sunset years we look only for medicinal benefits on the Spice list .. they are… Friends who give us great advice.
But your soul curry needs all spices together…All problems, aroma, benefits in one curry ….
Else how will your life be … It can’t be bland 🔥🔥🔥
Thanks John for the encouragement. Loved your take on the Spice story. Always a treat reading your comments.
Well written .. add spice to your life and experience the flavour 😀
Thanks Manali.
Wow! What a great mix and match of spices and life.