Many a times I wonder am I an emotional fool ? Do people take advantage of me?  I’m sure everyone agrees and is nodding their head relating to this statement.  Why is this so??

Being an emotional fool is not a problem, but giving your reigns to someone else to run your emotions is the biggest problem. Just pull up your socks and take control of your emotions. 
Each one of us in this world wants to be understood and heard by our near and dear ones. It could be family or close friends. At that weak moment when we are emotionally drained out, we look out for some sympathy . One just wants to pour ones heart mindlessly to someone out there .At this moment we are so vulnerable and naive , that  we let others take the decisions for us and we stop thinking. It’s a great feeling at that moment. You must be wondering, where is the problem then ? The problem is when everyone is still  running for a shoulder to cry on and wondering where did I go wrong ? 
The one thing where one generally fails repeatedly,  I would say , is not choosing the right pair of ears to voice one’s agony and grievances. Every family member isn’t interested in your sob story and your cribbing day in and day out. But as they are family , out of compulsion , they pretend to listen and the end result is they walk away without any solution or empathy, which one is eagerly expecting. 
When we do not succeed with family, we tend to turn towards a friend or two repeating the sob story. The main point to be considered first is – will this friend respect your confidentiality or carelessly repeat your issue to few more people. So sometimes instead of receiving the expected compassion, one might become a laughing stock in the wider community. And that will hurt even more.
How to tackle this problem? Firstly it’s no problem, it’s just an acquired mind block . The minute one channelises ones energy in a positive direction, one will need less people around you to lend a shoulder.
Each one has the solution within and can handle the problems perfectly . But every one wants reassurance from someone else. Many a times this lands people in a  situation where they start thinking and doing things according to the person who has their reigns . Remember, one is not a horse cart to give the reigns to someone else to lead you . 
Your true well-wisher will definitely guide you to reach your destination but it’s the self who has to take control of oneself and take the reigns. As the very old saying goes. You can take the horse to the water but can not make it drink. It’s so   true. Stop searching for an external shoulder to lean on when one can handle oneself beautifully and efficiently . So what are you waiting for-Get up from your slumber and see the real well-wisher who will hold your hand and take you forward. The rest is in your hands !
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